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this fiction of mine laboured flux in the skull of mysteries and memories worked by furies to the wheel is dealt a willing thread into...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

loose kite at the beach moving out over the waters

kite my kite
flying high
it took the dreams
it took the gold
it took the blood
it went to china

sud den ly
i wanna cry
why why

(it got loose off my hand oh so gently
later on i thought it had slipped purposedly
from my clasp and i ran the slope down
the sand bogging my every leap  
i went directly splashing into the water
and started swimming after the loose string
seemingly hovering but drifting away
toward the high seas
and for a moment i knew i’d catch it
even as i heard familiar voices calling
to let it go
and then i saw the string no more
just my kite growing small and shinning
in the last rays of one hot afternoon sun
with waves breaking ever close to my head

Sunday, June 1, 2014

"...sits on the shell of a great reptile"

when everyone wandering in the big mud ball
set to roll on the silver tray minds a just way
to be in the presence of all sapiens blown clean
within the mist of stars dust to partake matter
and energy in cosmic selfgenerating brother-
hood then it will cease to shine dark mighty
from the pulse of the born and unborn hanging
on steel thongs as the rest is held still on
the rack of babbletalk meanwhile the elephants
stand ill at ease and can not quite see discord
there is only the feeble fire from the great
bang burning time until the last call by request
of most shows the pious rewarded heavenly
as promised...the rest of us can eat the turtle