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this fiction of mine laboured flux in the skull of mysteries and memories worked by furies to the wheel is dealt a willing thread into...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

harboring in the myth

he can think not
his rolls and waves as if beating wings
flashflood the blood vessels
turning his eyes blind his ears ringing
his head dumb until his will
quits reaching and gropes darkness
wanting like the ostrich he believes
to hole-in the panic
and it gets deeper surely
all is at ease underground

his senses blind him fooldigger
ready to go down on truth
over his head and believe
anything thereafter unreal

Saturday, July 6, 2013

love story (of wine and roses)

i love you i love you like i never
loved before love is all verses in bloom
banging oblivious the walls of time hard 
and blinding the sensical redolence
of flesh on flesh flood waters colored
with reflections expectantly sudden
of neon lights flushing indistinct 
the dregs of sweat in crevices where brews 
the seed of jets to a finish in and out of
love and gain flesh and pain fire and rain

when passion smolders bare in the hay

and sheets flame up to cover burned out
remains of wanton thirst i don’t ask you
to scratch my back i just reach where i can

"...and everybody says i don't care

  i'm just trying to remember the days..."

Friday, July 5, 2013

feeling milky way

if we were ever to succeed
we should walk to encounter life
primed and willin _no small feat
after a long haul through the south
west and mexico the cargo
customary cigarettes booze
and illegals_ though unsteady
and blearyeyed but confident
with the perspective of weed wine
and whites and dallas alice last
after every headlight it'd make
sense to hope for glee at long last
to befall the lands of greed grown
in every seed to venom all
but those with good will and resolve
you could begin embracing love
(and the gift of being yourself)
and begin enjoying life fit
with the wink of time at the vile
and the nod of heavens with signs
wondrous and far observed by some
instantly turned to salt never
to return in the endless ride
except perhaps as a verse dark
in the dream of a burned-out gal
sleeping in the cab of a semi
off the road one august night